New site celebrates array of extraordinary UCLA achievements from 2016-17
AcademicFaculty and StaffUCLA innovations in education, medicine, law, the arts and environmental science are just a few of the achievements highlighted on the 2016–17 Year in Review website, which launched today.
“Throughout this past year, UCLA scholars took daring leaps forward, developing breakthroughs in an incredible breadth and variety of fields, from cancer research to choreography,” writes UCLA Chancellor Gene Block in a letter on the site. “We are pushing the frontiers of knowledge in unprecedented ways, forging lasting and meaningful partnerships in our communities and venturing to answer some of the most pressing questions of our time.”
The site spotlights 10 of the myriad advances made by UCLA faculty during the 2016–17 academic year, and it recaps facts and figures on the campus’s success in academics, philanthropic support, athletics and alumni activities.
Visit the 2016-17 Year in Review.